How to mine $BTCM?

Go to and connect your wallet

Select Your NFT and Lock Duration

  1. Select Your NFT: Choose the NFT you want to use for mining from the dropdown menu. This is highlighted as section 1 in the image.

  2. Lock Duration: Set the duration for which you want to lock your NFT for mining. This is highlighted as section 2 in the image.

  3. Click on the "Start Miner" button to begin the mining process.

To start tracking and claiming your mined $BTCM, follow these simple steps:

  • Monitor Your Progress: When you start mining, you can scrutinize the quantity of $BTCM you have mined through this link: Miner Dashboard.

  • Claim Your $BTCM: Thus, to get access to your mined tokens, you need to press the button marked as “claim” on the same page. This makes it possible for one to capture his or her $BTCM in real-time.

It is important to note that all mined $BTCM tokens are locked up for 1 year from the date of mining in order to have all focus on mining, thus 100% of the tokens supply are dedicated for mining.

This means your tokens will be frozen for a year meaning it will take a year before your tokens are fully flexible.

Last updated