How to buy NFT?
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To begin with the process of purchasing NFT you have to link your wallet with the BTCM miner platform
To connect your wallet, simply go to: and click on 'Connect wallet'.
The first step is, to go to the top right or center of the interface where there is a button that says “Connect Wallet”. A window will open with a prompt to choose a wallet provider.
Select the desired wallet type (for example, MetaMask, WalletConnect). Complete the steps that appear on your screen to grant permission for the connection.
Make it a point to check that your wallet is connected to the BASE Chain network. undefined
Verify Connection:
Once you connect your wallet, the ‘Connect Wallet’ button will be replaced by a wallet number to show that it is successfully connected.
To complete your NFT purchase on the BTCM Miner Build, follow these steps as illustrated in the image:
Once you link your portfolio, you are taken to the shop where you purchase NFTs. This is accompanied by a ‘Buy NFT’ button below the notification. This button will take you to buttons to complete your purchase of your NFTs.
Set the Quantity: You can change the number of BTCM Miner Build Key that you want with the BTCM Miner Build Key quantity using the minus (-) and plus (+) button. The quantity field is the highlighted box in the image above. Make sure you get the right keys for the transaction you want to make.
Finally, place a tick in the check box that appears with the information ‘I agree with MLEM Build Agreement’ to confirm the purchase terms. The checkboxes are shown in the image below and should be ticked before proceeding to the next step.
You can click the "Buy NFT" button to complete the momentous journey and get your hands on the artwork. It also makes sure that you have not omitted some important terms that are required in the agreement and that you have ordered the right quantity of the products that you wanted.
After that, you will be forwarded to the app once you confirm the transaction in the wallet. Don’t forget to sign at the bottom to seal the deal of your NFT transactions. When all is said and done, they’ll write “Success” across your screen and you’ll know that you’ve successfully captured your NFT. 🚀